▼Ncom | |
▼Ngrabba | |
▼Ndriver | Top-level package for Grabba Driver |
▼Nbarcode | Support for barcode reader hardware in Grabba devices |
CBarcodeAPI | Provides access to Grabba barcode reader functionality, such as triggering barcode scans |
CBarcodeData | Class encapsulating barcode data plus the ID of the associated symbology |
CBarcodeInterface | Interface class for Grabba barcode reader events |
CBarcodeListener | Base class for receiving events related to scanning barcodes |
CBarcodeSymbology | Enumeration of supported barcode symbologies |
▼Nfingerprint | Support for fingerprint reader hardware in Grabba devices |
CFingerprintAPI | Provides access to Grabba fingerprint reader functionality, such as capturing fingerprints |
▼CFingerprintImage | Class encapsulating fingerprint image data plus associated metadata |
CTypeID | Enumeration of fingerprint image types for capture and enrolment functions |
CFingerprintInterface | Interface class for Grabba fingerprint reader events |
CFingerprintListener | Base class for receiving events related to the fingerprint reader on a Grabba device |
▼CFingerprintTemplate | Class encapsulating fingerprint template data plus associated metadata |
CTypeID | Enumeration of fingerprint template types for capture and enrolment functions |
▼CFingerprintUserMessage | Class encapsulating fingerprint reader user message data |
CUserMessageID | Enumeration of user messages which may be generated during fingerprint reader operations |
CFingerprintUserRecord | User record structure for use with fingerprint reader databases |
▼Nmagstripe | Support for magnetic stripe reader hardware in Grabba devices |
CMagstripeAPI | Provides access to Grabba magnetic stripe (magstripe) reader functionality |
CMagstripeData | Class encapsulating magnetic stripe data tracks |
CMagstripeInterface | Interface class for Grabba magstripe reader events |
CMagstripeListener | Base class for receiving events related to the magstripe reader on a Grabba device |
▼Nmrtd | Support for Machine-Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs) with suitable Grabba devices |
CMRTD_API | Provides access to Grabba Machine-Readable Zone (MRTD) functionality Provides access to Grabba Machine-Readable Travel Document (MRTD) functionality |
CMRTD_Image | Provides extraction and conversion capabilities for images embedded in Machine-Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs) |
CMRTD_Interface | Interface class for Grabba MRTD-related events |
CMRTD_Listener | Base class for receiving events related to reading of Machine-Readable Zones (MRTDs) |
▼Nmrz | Support for Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ) hardware in Grabba devices |
CMRZ_API | Provides access to Grabba Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ) functionality |
CMRZ_Data | Class encapsulating data read from a machine-readable zone (MRZ) |
CMRZ_Format | Enumeration of MRZ formats as defined by ICAO 9303, plus a sentinel value for unknown/invalid text |
CMRZ_Interface | Interface class for Grabba MRZ reader events |
CMRZ_Listener | Base class for receiving events related to reading of Machine-Readable Zones (MRZs) |
CValidatedMRZ | Class encapsulating validated data read from a machine-readable zone (MRZ) |
▼Nproxcard | Support for RFID/proximity card reader hardware in Grabba devices |
CProxcardAPI | Provides access to Grabba proxcard reader functionality, such as triggering proxcard/RFID scans |
CProxcardData | Class encapsulating proxcard data plus the ID of the associated symbology |
CProxcardInterface | Interface class for Grabba proxcard reader events |
CProxcardListener | Base class for receiving events related to scanning proximity/RFID cards |
CProxcardTypeID | Enumeration of supported RFID/proximity card types |
▼Nsmartcard | Support for contact smart card reader hardware in Grabba devices |
CSmartcardAPI | Provides access to Grabba contact smart card reader functionality, such as exchanging APDUs |
CSmartcardBaud | Set of driver-supported baud parameter (Di) values as per ISO/IEC 7816-3 |
CSmartcardClock | Set of driver-supported clock parameter (Fi & f_max) values as per ISO/IEC 7816-3 |
CSmartcardInterface | Interface class for Grabba contact smart card reader events |
CSmartcardInterfaceID | Enumeration of contact smart card interfaces |
CSmartcardListener | Base class for receiving events related to the smartcard reader on a Grabba device |
CSmartcardProtocol | Set of driver-supported protocol (T) parameter values as per ISO/IEC 7816-3 |
▼CBER_TLV | Encapsulation of Basic Encoding Rule: Type, Length, Value (BER-TLV) data structures |
CBER_ID_Class | Representation of the ID class field within BER-TLV structures |
▼CButtonAPI | Provides access to button states of connected Grabba devices |
CButtonBehaviour | Enumeration of supported button behaviours |
CButtonInterface | Interface class for Grabba device button press and release events |
CButtonListener | Base class for receiving events when Grabba device buttons are pressed or released |
CCommandAPDU | Encapsulation of a smartcard command Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) |
CConnectionInterface | Interface class for Grabba device connection and disconnection events |
CConnectionListener | Base class for receiving events when a Grabba device is connected or disconnected |
CCoreAPI | Provides access to core Grabba driver and hardware functionality, such as opening and closing communications |
▼CErrorCode | Representation of error codes and messages used throughout the Android APIs |
CCode | Set of supported error codes |
CFirmwareAPI | Provides access to firmware-related functionality of connected Grabba devices |
CKeyboardAPI | Provides control of keyboard wedge functionality in the Grabba Driver |
CKeyboardInterface | Interface class for keyboard wedge virtual keystroke events |
CKeyboardListener | Base class for receiving events suitable for keyboard wedge implementations |
CListener | Base class for all driver listeners |
CResponseAPDU | Encapsulation of a smartcard response Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU) |