Grabba Driver for Android
Unified driver for Grabba devices on the Android operating system
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NdriverTop-level package for Grabba Driver
 NbarcodeSupport for barcode reader hardware in Grabba devices
 CBarcodeAPIProvides access to Grabba barcode reader functionality, such as triggering barcode scans
 CBarcodeDataClass encapsulating barcode data plus the ID of the associated symbology
 CBarcodeInterfaceInterface class for Grabba barcode reader events
 CBarcodeListenerBase class for receiving events related to scanning barcodes
 CBarcodeSymbologyEnumeration of supported barcode symbologies
 NfingerprintSupport for fingerprint reader hardware in Grabba devices
 CFingerprintAPIProvides access to Grabba fingerprint reader functionality, such as capturing fingerprints
 CFingerprintImageClass encapsulating fingerprint image data plus associated metadata
 CTypeIDEnumeration of fingerprint image types for capture and enrolment functions
 CFingerprintInterfaceInterface class for Grabba fingerprint reader events
 CFingerprintListenerBase class for receiving events related to the fingerprint reader on a Grabba device
 CFingerprintTemplateClass encapsulating fingerprint template data plus associated metadata
 CTypeIDEnumeration of fingerprint template types for capture and enrolment functions
 CFingerprintUserMessageClass encapsulating fingerprint reader user message data
 CUserMessageIDEnumeration of user messages which may be generated during fingerprint reader operations
 CFingerprintUserRecordUser record structure for use with fingerprint reader databases
 NmagstripeSupport for magnetic stripe reader hardware in Grabba devices
 CMagstripeAPIProvides access to Grabba magnetic stripe (magstripe) reader functionality
 CMagstripeDataClass encapsulating magnetic stripe data tracks
 CMagstripeInterfaceInterface class for Grabba magstripe reader events
 CMagstripeListenerBase class for receiving events related to the magstripe reader on a Grabba device
 NmrtdSupport for Machine-Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs) with suitable Grabba devices
 CMRTD_APIProvides access to Grabba Machine-Readable Zone (MRTD) functionality Provides access to Grabba Machine-Readable Travel Document (MRTD) functionality
 CMRTD_ImageProvides extraction and conversion capabilities for images embedded in Machine-Readable Travel Documents (MRTDs)
 CMRTD_InterfaceInterface class for Grabba MRTD-related events
 CMRTD_ListenerBase class for receiving events related to reading of Machine-Readable Zones (MRTDs)
 NmrzSupport for Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ) hardware in Grabba devices
 CMRZ_APIProvides access to Grabba Machine-Readable Zone (MRZ) functionality
 CMRZ_DataClass encapsulating data read from a machine-readable zone (MRZ)
 CMRZ_FormatEnumeration of MRZ formats as defined by ICAO 9303, plus a sentinel value for unknown/invalid text
 CMRZ_InterfaceInterface class for Grabba MRZ reader events
 CMRZ_ListenerBase class for receiving events related to reading of Machine-Readable Zones (MRZs)
 CValidatedMRZClass encapsulating validated data read from a machine-readable zone (MRZ)
 NproxcardSupport for RFID/proximity card reader hardware in Grabba devices
 CProxcardAPIProvides access to Grabba proxcard reader functionality, such as triggering proxcard/RFID scans
 CProxcardDataClass encapsulating proxcard data plus the ID of the associated symbology
 CProxcardInterfaceInterface class for Grabba proxcard reader events
 CProxcardListenerBase class for receiving events related to scanning proximity/RFID cards
 CProxcardTypeIDEnumeration of supported RFID/proximity card types
 NsmartcardSupport for contact smart card reader hardware in Grabba devices
 CSmartcardAPIProvides access to Grabba contact smart card reader functionality, such as exchanging APDUs
 CSmartcardBaudSet of driver-supported baud parameter (Di) values as per ISO/IEC 7816-3
 CSmartcardClockSet of driver-supported clock parameter (Fi & f_max) values as per ISO/IEC 7816-3
 CSmartcardInterfaceInterface class for Grabba contact smart card reader events
 CSmartcardInterfaceIDEnumeration of contact smart card interfaces
 CSmartcardListenerBase class for receiving events related to the smartcard reader on a Grabba device
 CSmartcardProtocolSet of driver-supported protocol (T) parameter values as per ISO/IEC 7816-3
 CBER_TLVEncapsulation of Basic Encoding Rule: Type, Length, Value (BER-TLV) data structures
 CBER_ID_ClassRepresentation of the ID class field within BER-TLV structures
 CButtonAPIProvides access to button states of connected Grabba devices
 CButtonBehaviourEnumeration of supported button behaviours
 CButtonInterfaceInterface class for Grabba device button press and release events
 CButtonListenerBase class for receiving events when Grabba device buttons are pressed or released
 CCommandAPDUEncapsulation of a smartcard command Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU)
 CConnectionInterfaceInterface class for Grabba device connection and disconnection events
 CConnectionListenerBase class for receiving events when a Grabba device is connected or disconnected
 CCoreAPIProvides access to core Grabba driver and hardware functionality, such as opening and closing communications
 CErrorCodeRepresentation of error codes and messages used throughout the Android APIs
 CCodeSet of supported error codes
 CFirmwareAPIProvides access to firmware-related functionality of connected Grabba devices
 CKeyboardAPIProvides control of keyboard wedge functionality in the Grabba Driver
 CKeyboardInterfaceInterface class for keyboard wedge virtual keystroke events
 CKeyboardListenerBase class for receiving events suitable for keyboard wedge implementations
 CListenerBase class for all driver listeners
 CResponseAPDUEncapsulation of a smartcard response Application Protocol Data Unit (APDU)